#[news]Bill GatesがAIを語る


  • He encouraged students to pursue their studies in computer science and biology, areas that he said hold the keys for improving the quality of human life. The areas are complementary in some ways, he said, and computer modeling can advance understandings about molecular biology and other topics.


  • "We really need to be expressing software in a much higher form," he said. "The level we express software at hasn't changed in the last 40 years."


  • Gates also encouraged students to strive for advances in what he called the "holy grail" -- artificial intelligence, such as voice-recognition technology and other user-friendly initiatives.

いやいや、まさかHoly Grailとは。ちょうどThe Da Vinci Code読んだところだから、ちょっとびっくり。多分、ビルゲイツも読んだのでしょう。。でも、個人的にも音声認識はこれからどんどん発展するのかなぁ。。と思っていたところ。でも、いかにもWindowsに搭載されてそうな感じですね。

やはり、AIは応用的な意味合いで語られますね。AIと言ったときに、I, Robotのイメージがある私は、時代遅れなのでしょうか。