Wizard of the Wireless Future

このお方を知りませんでした。何気に自分と同じような業界の有名人?で、the most interesting areas of innovationとして、3つあげています。

    • wireless communications
    • biology about the human genome
    • brain stuff

wireless communicationsかぁ、と思ったけど、まあ、移動通信をやっている人だから。。ゲノム・脳あたりは、まあ、よく言われること。AIについても言及してますが、携帯電話については更に熱く語ってるよう。


Q: Let's talk about serial innovators. What's the secret to success?
A: I don't know if there's a secret to success. I've had a great deal of success myself. I also have had my share of failure. To me, being a great innovator is like batting in baseball. If you're batting .300 or .350 you're doing pretty well. Most people, they never get a hit.

I try to think very hard about what's ultimately going to happen. Ultimately, everything's going to be wireless. Ultimately, everything's going to be portable. I figured that out a long time ago. Ultimately, the brain business is going to be huge. I saw 25 years ago that we could build this stuff, and it's going to be a huge business.

The trick is once you see that very long-term vision, you then ask yourself, "How do I get there step-by-step?" You have to solve a whole bunch of problems, and along the way you have to make money while you're doing it.


Q: Can a company be a big innovator?
A: Companies don't innovate. People do. If you're going to innovate, you have to overcome problems. In a startup company, you're going to have all these people telling you you're wrong. If you're at a big company, you're going to have all these people telling you you're wrong. It takes a lot of nerve and perseverance. You just have to keep going. You have to keep fighting the battles.

仕事してて、いつも思うことだけど、自分の考えて提案したこととかが、単なるOne big jokeなのか、イノベーションなのか。。まあ、イノベーションとなるものは、常に、どこにいても反対されるものなのかな。企業で成功している人だからこそ、説得力がある。でも、ある意味、会社だろうが、大学だろうが、どこにいても同じことなのかなぁ。

