Bill Gatesのいい言葉



昨年のAll Things Digitalでのスティーブジョブスとビルゲイツの対談後の、Q&Aセッションからです。
思い出されるのが、昨年のAll Things Digitalでの、スティーブジョブスとビルゲイツの対談。


Jesse: Hi. I’m Jesse Kornbluth, But you’re not the youngest guys in the room anymore, it’s perhaps appropriate to ask you a question about legacy, each of you. Bill, even your harshest critic would have to admit that your philanthropy work is, you know, planet-shaking, incredible, and could be, if you make it, a second act so amazing that it would dwarf what you’ve actually done at Microsoft.


If you had to choose a legacy, what would it be? And Steve, do you look at Bill and you think, gee, that guy is so lucky he had a company so rich with talent that he didn’t have to personally come in every day and save it and, you know, I wish I had the opportunity?

Kara: OK. He’s not going to answer that one.

Walt: Bill?

Bill: Well, the most important work I got a chance to be involved in, no matter what I do, is the personal computer. You know, that’s what I grew up, in my teens, my 20s, my 30s, you know, I even knew not to get married until later because I was so obsessed with it. That’s my life’s work. And it’s lucky for me that some of the skills and resources–but I put skills first–that I was able to develop through those experiences can be applied to the benefit of the people who haven’t had technology, including medicine, working for them. So it’s an incredible blessing to have two things like that. But the thing that I’ll, you know, if you look inside my brain, it’s filled with software and, you know, the magic of software and the belief in software and, you know, that’s not going to change.

主にビルゲイツに対する質問で、マイクロソフトでの成功と、慈善事業における「Second Act」と、ビルゲイツの「遺産(Legacy)」を選ばなくてはいけなかったら、どちらか、というもの。

if you look inside my brain, it’s filled with software and, you know, the magic of software and the belief in software and, you know, that’s not going to change.

この言葉自体というか、この時の語り口が非常に印象的でした。長年、コンピュータ業界の最前線で走り続けてこられた原動力を感じました。世間では、悪の帝王だとか、さんざん言われてきているビルゲイツさんですが、実際のビルゲイツという人は、一般的なイメージとはだいぶ違うんだろうな、とは前々から思ってました。マイクロソフトビルゲイツという世間的なイメージが、どの程度正しいんでしょうかね・・?スティーブジョブスの場合は、結構独裁的だというのはいろいろ読んだことがあり、それがよい方に現れているのだろう(そういえば、元アップルのGuy Kawasaki氏は、アップルの存続について、「スティーブジョブスが生きている限り、アップルは存続する」などと冗談ぽっく言ってましたね)と思いますが、マイクロソフトのケースはどうなのでしょう?最近の記事なんか見ると、近年ではビルゲイツとスティーブバルマーはかなり犬猿だったとか。こちらのスティーブも強烈なイメージを持っていますが。。


Steve: Alan Kay had a great quote back in the ’70s, I think. He said, “People that love software want to build their own hardware.”

Walt: Well, Bill loves software.

Bill: Oh, I can resist that.
